War Erupted Between Smart And Globe Over NTC Results

Globe and Smarts are at odds about the recent result of the National Telecommunication Commission quality test.
Globe Telecom has disputed the NTC results that shows that on 5 tests, Smart was better than globe on 4 test. Globe reiterated that among the 4 tests, the gap between the two networks is small enough that it is discernible even though it is using the old Legacy networks and some conforming to the NTC standard.

Smart fired back that Globe has been selectively reading the NTC results and not showing consumers everything.

Here is the 5 benchmark test by NTC for Globe and Smart. NTC standard compared to Globe and Smart.

Grade of Service - Service perfomance of Telecom Networks
NTC - 4% GlOBE - 4.45% SMART - 9.95%

Drop Call Rate - Rate of Drop Calls
NTC - 2% GLOBE - 1.66% SMART - 1.53%

Call Setup Time - How fast your calls are connected
NTC - 14seconds GLOBE - 11.9seconds SMART - 11.74seconds

Average Received Signal - Signal  Level average( The lower the better)
NTC - >= -85 GLOBE - -69.83 dBm SMART -62.63 dBm

In my opinion, both Smart and Globe can do better. As a user of both networks, Smart has problems when it comes to call dropping especially when you are in a province or moving. Globe has problems with signal strength. In my house, I have to "fish" for a signal to get a coverage. This has happened for more than 10 years now and still the same.

Don't forget the problem of both networks when sending to another network. Sometimes it takes hours before you receive a test but only a few seconds/minutes if you send to a same network. I have tested this by using the same phone with one phone side by side with each other with the same signal bar. One phone having a Smart sim card and another a Globe. Texts usually arrive less than 5 minutes but in the same test run, 2 hours has passed before I have received a text. I have also experienced not receiving a text.

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