With that explanation, Juan Ponce Enrile seems a little bit angered and told the Defense that if he does not want to be cross-examined, the speech he just made will be crossed out of the records and the will proceed to resolute the case. Cuevas the main defense lawyer of Corona apologized and told Juan Ponce Enrile that he is just sick and he didn't intend to not be cross-examined but Cuevas said that if he is willing or okay about it he will go back to the plenary hall to be examined. Juan Ponce Enrile angrily said that what if he is not okay or not willing and ordered the defense and Chief Justice Corona until tommorow to explain himself and if he didn't his speech will be crossed out from the records and they will proceed on how they will resolve the case without Corona having any more chances to prove himself innocent or give more evidence.
The Speech he talked about explained that he has only 4 accounts but not detailing how much was in it or if the dollars account was included on those 4 accounts. He also said that his wife is the rightful owner of the Basa-Guidote enterprise and Jose Basa was jobless and just wants to sell all of the companies assets for his personal gain.
In the end, he was seen with a waiver and in that waiver, it is said that he will waived all his rights about his bank accounts and his dollar accounts. But suddenly, there was a condition. He will only give the waiver if all the 188 congressman who signed the to impeach him and Senator Franklin Drilon to also waive their rights. And after that speech, he stormed or walked out.
Update: Video of Renato Corona Walking out